Instructor Profile

Blase Ur
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Computer Science and the College
Blase Ur researches computer security, privacy and human-computer interaction. His focus is on helping users make better security and privacy decisions, and improving user experience within complex computer systems. Asst. Prof. Ur founded the UChicago SUPERgroup, an interdisciplinary research collective comprised of dozens of researchers who work on computer security, privacy and usability. He has also worked extensively on supporting users’ online privacy, as well as studying both privacy and interaction aspects of the Internet of Things.
He has received best paper awards from CHI, the 2016 USENIX Security Symposium, and the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. In addition, he has strong interests in teaching and K–12 outreach, particularly with the goal of broadening participation in computer science.