
Software Development Bootcamp

Our bootcamp is temporarily paused as we refine the program. More information coming soon!

Two people working on code on a computer.

At a Glance

10 Months
$180 Intro Course
$17,800 Full Program


Upcoming Dates

Get the technical skills, knowledge, and career support you need to enter the software development field.

The goal of the University of Chicago Software Development Bootcamp is to take you from little or no experience to a ready-to-hire developer. The accelerated program is built for those from any professional background who have a strong affinity for technical solutions, enjoy aspects of conceptual and visual design, and seek creative ways to solve problems.

The program provides you with the skills and hands-on experience companies seek in qualified developers and coding professionals. You will gain the tactical software engineering principles and the communication, problem-solving, and soft skills necessary to become a successful software engineer and an asset to any team.

Designed For

Designed for anyone who wants to start a tech career and for those who already work in tech and want to move into software development.

A Well-Rounded Tech Education

Our industry-leading instructors and program developers work routinely to discover the skills gap in the workforce and include those skills in the Software Development Bootcamp curriculum. This allows the needs of the market to drive the content of the curriculum and the experience that closely aligns with the challenges current businesses face.

To further help you stand out to employers, our program lays the foundation for you to take a number of globally recognized engineering and developer certification exams:*

* This program is designed to teach in-demand knowledge for today's workforce and is not a certification test preparation program. Certification exams are not conducted as part of the program and require additional costs not included in tuition.

20-Hour Introductory Course

This unique introductory course provides you with a taste of the industry and serves as a chance to make sure software development is the right career for you. The course includes theory and practice of coding, as well as a short exam covering the fundamentals of the industry.

Software Development Bootcamp Structure

The Software Development Bootcamp provides a 400-hour curriculum that offers a comprehensive education through virtual lectures, real-world projects, virtual labs, and both individual and group exercises.

Learners who wish to further develop their knowledge move on to the Extended Program which covers three phases: Web Design, Web Development, and Software Engineering. Each phase of the bootcamp is broken down into comprehensive courses.

  • Learning format: live-online classes, held on evenings and weekends
  • Program hours: 20-hour Introductory Course | 380-hour Extended Program
  • Duration: 10 months
  • Tuition: We enroll our learners in an introductory course for $180. If you decide to continue with the full, twelve-course program, your tuition will be an additional $17,800, or $17,980 in total.

Course breakdown

The introductory course provides an accurate representation of the curriculum, pacing, and interactive teaching methodologies you will experience throughout the Software Development Bootcamp. It gives you a short overview of the first five courses in a way that focuses on projects you can immediately begin to build to showcase your skills to potential employers. Before taking the introductory course, you should have:

  • A computer that can run the latest distribution of a modern-day operating system, such as MacOS, Linux, or Windows
  • A typing speed of thirty words per minute or better
  • Basic knowledge of using computers, such as how to open programs, point and click, and navigate to a website via a web browser
  • Knowledge of basic math through algebra


  1. Build a simple HTML page
  2. Images and attributes in HTML
  3. Making visually appealing web pages in CSS
  4. Designing responsive web pages with CSS
  5. Introduction to programming with JavaScript and jQuery
  6. Final activity

Throughout the program, you can attend hands-on Level Up Sessions. Get live training from your instructors and collaborate with your peers as you develop and refine your coding skills.

This course provides you with the building blocks of web pages, prepares you for later courses, and ties web development into current events and real-life situations.


  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. Containers, tables, and lists
  3. File paths: best practices
  4. HTML media
  5. Forms
  6. Semantic HTML and web accessibility

This course covers a wide variety of techniques for styling an interface for the web, beginning with foundational concepts and common practices for writing CSS by hand and concluding with the usage of related tools that style more efficiently. At the end of this course you will have the ability to style the layouts you learned to create.


  1. Intro to CSS
  2. Simple styling
  3. Animations and transforms
  4. Responsive layout and Flexbox
  5. CSS frameworks

Learning about UX/UI further solidifies the usability and accessibility concepts covered in your previous classes. This course introduces the research skills you need to identify your users and the necessary solutions.


  1. Introduction to UX and UI design
  2. Visual branding for the web
  3. Accessibility for the web
  4. Digital layout
  5. Design systems
  6. Introduction to UI design patterns
  7. Advanced UI design patterns
  8. Introduction to Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD
  9. Workshop One
  10. Workshop Two
  11. How to present UX/UI design
  12. Design presentations

This course provides you with a fundamental understanding of JavaScript, practices DOM manipulation and events on front-end web pages, and introduces more advanced JavaScript topics to scaffold information in later courses.


  1. Variable declaration
  2. Control flow
  3. Functions
  4. Asynchronous JavaScript
  5. Object-Oriented programming with JS
  6. Interactive web pages
  7. Dynamic web pages
  8. Project: create an interactive map

The in-browser game you will build in this milestone project allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in front-end design and development. The instructional team will formally review your browser game milestone project in the following areas:

  • User experience
  • Functionality
  • Workflow
  • Code style
  • Presentation

This course opens up the world of server-side programming and enables you to create and document custom APIs while following best practices and using industry-standard tools for testing. You will also learn to persist data using a NoSQL database (MongoDB).


  1. Client-Server architecture
  2. NPM and Node.js
  3. Intro to Express
  4. Server-Side rendering with JSX
  5. RESTful routing
  6. MVC architecture
  7. MongoDB and NoSQL
  8. Mongoose and ODMs
  9. APIs and documentation
  10. Cloud deployment

This course builds on the concepts introduced in the JavaScript and Front-End Web Development course, teaching you to use current industry tools to build more robust user interfaces and state management. 


  1. JavaScript tooling
  2. React fundamentals
  3. React dataflow
  4. Styling in React
  5. Testing in React
  6. Redux fundamentals
  7. React-Redux
  8. Advanced Redux

SQL and Data Modeling prepares you to use relational databases and manage data at a large scale. You will practice creating normalized data models, migrations to manage schema and content over time, and common optimization techniques for the industry.


  1. History of relational databases
  2. Basic SQL 
  3. Joins, relationships, and structure
  4. Advanced SQL
  5. SQL in Node.js

In this project, you will combine the skills you acquired in phase one of the program with new skills from phase two to create a MERN stack application that demonstrates your knowledge and abilities. You will have the option to use MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js to create a web application.

The Cybersecurity course introduces you to the fundamentals of data access management and encourages you to prioritize securing data and identifying proper and improper access to information. You will build applications to support user authentication and authorization, including several common security flaws and tactics to protect against them as well as encryption and hashing.


  1. History of cybersecurity
  2. Common attack patterns
  3. Identity and access management

The Principles of Programming with Python course boosts your confidence and solidifies programming fundamentals by teaching you a new programming language. Additionally, this course helps make you a well-rounded developer by delivering computer science theory and discussing useful programming paradigms and applications of programming outside of the web environment.


  1. Intro to Python language
  2. Python functions
  3. Python packages and modules
  4. Object-Oriented programming
  5. Functional programming
  6. Web development with Python
  7. Data structures and algorithms

In the Advanced Topics course, you have the choice to focus on one or multiple topics such as introductory deployment and DevOps, cloud computing, TypeScript, and SaaS.

In this milestone project, you will leverage the cumulative skills you have gained in the program to create a complex application of your choice. You will use Python or Node.js to create a project that utilizes one or more of the technologies you learned in phase three: identity and access management, containerization, or cloud applications.

This optional support provides you with the tools you need to successfully prepare to enter the field of software development. Career planning services focus on interview training, professional networking, and consultations devoted to perfecting LinkedIn profiles, e-portfolios, and resumes.


  1. Resume and LinkedIn profile-building
  2. Interview skill-building 
  3. Job search strategies and the power of networking

Personalized Career Support

The bootcamp features support from the expert coaches on our Career Outcomes team to help you build your professional brand. In addition to optimizing your LinkedIn profile and resume, prepping your interview skills, and helping you with your job search, we give you access to exclusive, live, virtual networking events to get you career-ready.

Career benefits

Technological advancements are moving quickly and there simply aren’t enough people equipped with the skills needed to fill the open software developer positions.

2 x

The demand for software engineers has doubled since 2020.

25 %

Employment in software development is projected to grow 25 percent from 2021 to 2031.

200 k

Almost 200,000 developer jobs will need filling each year through the end of the decade.

Software development career paths

Our part-time, online program features a research-backed curriculum designed to open the door to multiple career options, including

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Software application developer

Software application developers design, develop, deploy, and update programs for devices, operating systems, and web applications. They also create the algorithms that enable software to function.


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Web developer

Sometimes known as a webmaster, these developers create and maintain websites. They oversee the technical aspects of website function, including performance and speed, monitoring traffic, and troubleshooting problems.

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MERN stack developer

MERN stack developers utilize programs such as MongoDB, Express, React, and Node to handle end-to-end framework operations.

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Python developer

Python developers create a plethora of web applications and back-end components. They are also responsible for developing, deploying, and debugging projects.

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Front-end developer

Front-end developers create user-facing features focused on visuals and design for optimal user experience. They are proficient in web markup, HTML5, and CSS3.

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Back-end developer

Back-end developers work closely with front-end developers to ensure smooth integration of server-side web application logic. They also write the web services and application programming interfaces that front-end developers and mobile app developers use.

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Application engineer

Application engineers design custom software and evaluate client needs within each project. They are always a step ahead to plan and implement updates or expansions.

Offered by The University of Chicago's Professional Education

Of Interest