Quantum Science, Networking, and Communications
Demonstrated. Simulated. Hands-on Quantum Experience.
This online Quantum Science, Networking, and Communications course of weekly synchronous sessions alongside asynchronous videos, coursework, and assessments. You will gain an understanding of the basic tasks that are possible on a quantum network; the essential components of quantum networks and how they function together; the different types of physical qubits and quantum systems used in quantum networks; and how to design quantum circuits and remotely implement them using online hardware. This includes communication primitives, such as superdense coding, superposition, and quantum key distribution; entanglement swapping and how quantum repeaters work; and how to combine layers of control protocols to create a functioning quantum network.
Learning objectives:
In eight weeks of live sessions and self-paced modules, students will acquire the theoretical and practical fundamentals of quantum computing and communications. After completing the course, students will be able to:
- Apply the fundamental framework of linear algebra to perform calculations (e.g., expectation values, state vector evolution, decoherence times, etc.) essential to quantum networking, computing, and communications applications.
- Analyze, execute, and debug Python code as they implement various quantum circuits using Qiskit software. Also, implement various quantum communication and network protocols, such as quantum teleportation, superdense coding, entanglement distribution, and quantum key distribution (QKD), using SeQUeNCe software.
- Explain the physical components used in quantum networks, like superconducting and trapped-ion qubits, photonic quantum channels, and quantum repeaters.
- Identify the various layers and protocols defined by and utilized in quantum communication networks.
Online Quantum Communications Course Structure
A bachelor's degree in math, physics, statistics, electrical and computer engineering, or computer science is strongly recommended. The following competencies in particular will be required to be successful in the course:
- Linear algebra: Able to perform matrix operations including addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Participants should also know what eigenvectors are and be familiar with singular value decomposition.
- Probability theory: Able to calculate conditional probabilities.
- Python programming: Able to use Jupyter notebooks to read, understand, and write simple programs in Python.
Quantum Science course schedule
The first class meeting is based on the first day of the course (not the first synchronous session). The course's live synchronous sessions are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. CST. All required assignments are typically due one week after the final scheduled synchronous session. The time commitment per week is four to five hours.
Includes articles (academic journals, textbooks, chapters, professional publications, etc., and videos or other multi-media content) to serve as a refresher for linear algebra and downloadable instructions for installing Python, Qiskit, and Sequence.
The second week focuses on the fundamentals and principles of quantum information. Students will learn about the different types of application protocols for quantum networks and the mathematical formalism of qubits, Bloch sphere, and quantum evolution.
Key topics include:
- Prominent quantum communication tasks such as quantum key distribution (QKD), blind quantum computing, clock synchronization, secret sharing, and long-baseline telescopy
- Quantum systems like finite-dimensional vector spaces, kets/bras, and unitary and Hermitian matrices
- Qubits as the basic building block of quantum information systems, Pauli operators, and the Bloch sphere representation of qubits
Expanding on the previous week’s lesson, students will learn how to compute expectation values for quantum measurements on entangled systems and to understand the density matrix and basic noise models.
Key topics include:
- Born’s rule for quantum measurement
- Entangled systems and gates
- The density matrix and mixed versus pure states
The fourth module focuses on the basics of quantum programming. Students will learn how to use Qiskit programming software. They will design quantum circuits and remotely implement them on IBM hardware. Through hands-on programming, students will learn basic quantum algorithms.
Key topics include:
- Simon's algorithm and Grover's algorithm
- Quantum circuit model
- Qiskit syntax
The fifth module focuses on quantum communications. Students will learn the properties of quantum entanglement, the use of quantum entanglement in quantum communication, and communication primitives such as superdense coding, teleportation, and quantum key distribution.
Key topics include:
- Bell states and Bell measurements
- Superdense coding and teleportation like entanglement-enhanced communication tasks
- Quantum key distribution in the BB84 protocol and entanglement-based schemes (measurement device-independent QKD)
The sixth module expands on the quantum communications concepts introduced the previous week. Students will learn how to explain the principles of entanglement swapping, how quantum repeaters work, and the basic concepts of entanglement purification.
Key topics include:
- Entanglement fidelity and recurrence protocol
- Quantum error correction and entanglement distribution
- Achieving long-distance quantum communication
The seventh module focuses on quantum network hardware. Students will learn about the essential components of a quantum network and how they function together. They will connect theoretical protocols with hardware deployment and explore the different types of physical systems used to encode qubits and perform quantum communication.
Key topics include:
- Network components such as memories, repeaters, photon sources, detectors, and interconnects
- Physical systems such as photons, SC qubits, atoms, and color centers
- Standard performance metrics for network devices such as coherence times, channel loss, detector efficiency, and transmission fidelity
The final module focuses on quantum network protocols and simulation. Students will learn how to apply all the components of the course in a simulation of a multi-node quantum network.
Key topics include:
- The effects of noise and decoherence on quantum communication protocols
- Realistic quantum networks and syntax for SeQUeNCe simulator
- Working through a multistep protocol of teleportation or QKD by specifying memory fidelity

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