Non-Credit Certificates Online

AI for Leaders Certificate Program


Learning Objectives to Become an AI Leader

This transformative learning experience comprises foundational courses, live online sessions, and a series of AI leadership presentations, providing a holistic approach to leadership in the AI domain.

After completing the certificate program, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of how AI aligns with business strategy, enabling you to make informed decisions and drive organizational success.
  • Implement AI strategies practically, ensuring you are ready to drive real-world impact.
  • Address biases, promote transparency, and lead responsibly to ensure that you not only harness the power of AI but also contribute to ethical and responsible implementation.

Required Online AI Courses

Six weeks, with one sixty-minute Zoom session each week

In this course, you will learn what business leaders need to know about AI and data science technologies, from the foundational principles underlying them to the resourcing that you need to launch successful AI and data science projects. You will learn about statistical inference as well as emerging techniques, such as automated machine learning, all with an eye toward maximizing the benefits for your teams and organizations. 

You will learn to:

  • Create a strategy for your organization that implements AI to achieve business goals.
  • Assemble a balanced data science team made up of professionals with the required backgrounds and skill sets for success in an AI world.
  • Choose the best areas for early-stage development, and understand how to scale AI solutions.

Two weeks, with two ninety-minute Zoom sessions each week

This intensive, live online course dives into practical approaches to designing, executing, and scaling generative AI projects. You will learn to think systematically and critically about the rewards and risks of generative AI through the analysis of real-world business cases. You will also create your own blueprint for incorporating generative AI within your organization, including performance measurements, a resourcing plan, and a risk-mitigation strategy. 

You will learn to:

  • Evaluate the business case for adopting generative AI in a range of domains, including marketing, supply chain, customer service, and engineering.
  • Evaluate whether generative AI is a viable solution in a variety of business contexts.
  • Develop your own roadmap for incorporating generative AI within your 
  • organization, including milestones, performance measurements, a resourcing plan, and a risk-mitigation strategy.

Two weeks, with two ninety-minute Zoom sessions each week

This two-week, live online course focuses on employing AI to enhance your organization’s cybersecurity. You will learn the current state of play, how AI can enhance or replace traditional approaches to security, and how to think critically about risks and opportunities that AI can afford. You will also examine the future of the field and develop the knowledge you need to remain competitive even as technologies evolve and new threats emerge.

You will learn to:

  • Explain the fundamental principles and the state of the fields of AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity.
  • Articulate common cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities and different mitigation strategies.
  • Identify key applications of AI and machine learning to meet cybersecurity challenges. 
  • Assess and manage potential risks or hazards associated with AI adoption. 
  •  Integrate consideration of AI into developing business requirements and cybersecurity controls.
  • Explain and develop strategies to take advantage of the disruptions that AI brings to cybersecurity.

Two weeks, with two ninety-minute Zoom sessions each week

In this course, you will explore the ethical, social, legal, and political considerations that should inform how you and your organizations develop, use, and govern AI systems. You will learn to think critically about fairness, accountability, and transparency in the context of AI by engaging with real-world problems and case studies. Then you will evaluate and debate what tradeoffs are acceptable for you, your organization, and society as a whole. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to lead your organization in the ethical, responsible, and sustainable adoption of AI.

You will learn to:

  • Integrate ethical principles in AI development to ensure fairness, transparency, accountability, and respect for user privacy.
  • Adhere to governance frameworks and regulatory standards to maintain responsible AI practices.
  • Design AI systems with a human-centric approach, prioritizing user safety, trust, and explainability.
  • Continuously monitor and improve AI systems to ensure ongoing performance, fairness, and compliance with ethical standards.

Earn a Credential in AI

After successful completion of this certificate, participants will receive credentials certified by the University of Chicago including a certificate of completion to recognize their achievement.

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