Instructor Profile

Lauren Wall, Clinical Trials Management and Regulatory Compliance Instructor

Lauren Wall, MS

Director of Clinical Research Operations, University of Chicago

Lauren has over fifteen years of experience in hematology/oncology clinical research operations spanning industry and academic healthcare. Lauren currently oversees the clinical research operations in the section of Hematology/Oncology at the University of Chicago. Her primary responsibilities include planning, organizing, directing, and overseeing daily clinical research operations for over 300+ clinical trials. Prior to taking her role in the academic setting, Lauren worked at an Oncology CRO where she gained experience in clinical trial monitoring and project management. In addition, Lauren traveled to several NCI-designated cancer centers to conduct site visit audits. Lauren holds an MSc degree in Clinical Research Administration from the George Washington University. Lauren has a strong passion for teaching and mentoring others about the exciting career opportunities in the field of clinical research.