Programs & Courses


Unite your professional practice with our distinctive academic theory through impactful and immersive professional education programs.

Our professional education courses draw on the expertise of the world's brightest academic minds to help you invest in your human potential. Grow your network with industry leaders from across the globe to meet the challenges of an ever-evolving professional landscape.

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Woman talking at white board in conference room

Level Up Your Career at UChicago

We utilize the disciplines of finance, applied science, data analytics, leadership, digital transformation, and organizational behavior to understand contemporary business challenges. Our practical instruction engages topics from machine-learning to quantum technology to cutting-edge financial theory to meet these challenges with efficient solutions.

Hutchinson Commons on UChicago Campus
Area of Study
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Leaders

Inteligencia Artificial y Data Science para Líderes

Aprende las últimas tecnologías, herramientas y mejores prácticas de la inteligencia artificial y la ciencia de datos y conviértete en un mejor líder.

Applied ScienceInscripción Abierta Online