Unite your professional practice with our distinctive academic theory through impactful and immersive professional education programs.
Our professional education courses draw on the expertise of the world's brightest academic minds to help you invest in your human potential. Grow your network with industry leaders from across the globe to meet the challenges of an ever-evolving professional landscape.

Level Up Your Career at UChicago
We utilize the disciplines of finance, applied science, data analytics, leadership, digital transformation, and organizational behavior to understand contemporary business challenges. Our practical instruction engages topics from machine-learning to quantum technology to cutting-edge financial theory to meet these challenges with efficient solutions.
AI-Powered Cybersecurity for Leaders
Spearhead innovative strategies to more efficiently and effectively safeguard your business.
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Leaders
Shape your strategy with future-ready tools to drive innovation.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Drive tangible value and shape the future of your organization.
Big Data in Marketing
Dig deeper into your customer data to elevate your marketing efforts.
Building and Managing Resilient Teams
Assemble high-performing teams and set them up for success—even in turbulent times.
Circular Economy and Sustainable Business
Explore real-life applications of circularity in business management.
Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy
Drive business growth through deeper consumer understanding.
Corporate Financial Strategy
Learn how to raise and allocate capital for optimal financial management.
Crisis Planning and Response Management
Navigate adversity with agility and foresight to emerge stronger and more resilient.
Data Engineering
Explore industry trends in leveraging data to solve business problems.
Data-Driven Content Marketing
Engage audiences, build trust, amplify brand reach, and drive action.
Decision-Making and Risk Management
Optimize strategic and operational decisions in a complex environment.
Explore the software life cycle and drive faster, more efficient outcomes.
Digital Marketing: Ethical Strategies for Success
Acquire the concepts, language, resources, and strategic insight you need to thrive as a marketer in the digital age.
Standalone Course: Editing for Lawyers
Learn advanced editing techniques tailored to legal documents, including briefs, contracts, and correspondence.
Standalone Course Fact-Checking for Editors
Learn how to verify data, names, places, and statistics to ensure the accuracy of manuscripts and the veracity of claims made by authors.
Create, disrupt, and innovate in the fast-paced world of finance.
Generative AI for Business
Harness the power of breakthrough AI technology.
Global Clinical Research: The Process from Start to Finish
Play an active role in improving patient care worldwide.
Building Impactful Business Diversity Programs Inclusive Business and Supplier Diversity Strategies
Learn how business diversity strategies add value to your supplier diversity program.
Leading Teams through Organizational Change
Prepare yourself, your teams, and your organization for what lies ahead.
Machine Learning for Cybersecurity
Evolve your cyber risk strategy with advanced training in machine learning for cybersecurity from the Center for Data and Computing at the University of Chicago.
Machine Learning for Finance
Leverage data-driven analysis to identify relevant financial trends.
Marketing Analytics for Leaders
Connect your organization’s data with marketing strategy, decision-making, and results.
Predictive Analytics for Business Growth
Decipher patterns to forecast and fuel enterprise success.
Psychology of Negotiation
Learn how to leverage effective negotiation strategies using the data of your personal experiences to confidently navigate the complexity of interpersonal behavior.
Python for Data Science
Leverage data in creative, relevant ways to solve real-world problems.
Quantum Engineering and Technology
Learn the basics of quantum computing in an accelerated format with UChicago's course in Quantum Engineering and Technology. Space is limited. Save your seat today.
Quantum Science, Networking, and Communications
Learn the skills necessary to break into the emerging field of quantum science. This online course features faculty feedback, simulations, and hands-on experiences.
Statistics for Data Science
Learn to solve complex problems with data.
Strategic Data Storytelling
Learn to craft data insights into narratives that spur action and create value.
The Psychology of Finance
Discover the cognitive biases and emotions behind financial decisions.
Web Analytics
Amplify your online presence and improve the customer experience.
Standalone Course Working with Authors
Learn strategies for building author relationships, managing editorial projects, and retaining and attracting clients.